October 20, 2024 Bulletin

The bulletin announcements for October 20th are listed below:

October is Minister Appreciation Month- If you want to share with Kurt and Don there are baskets in the foyer.

Elders will be meeting on Tuesday evening at 7 PM.

Football Dinner- On October 24th we will be feeding the Paris High School football team at 5 PM. The menu is rib-eye sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, green beans, and desserts. If you would like to help provide food or help serve the meal, please contact Corrie Brinkerhoff.

Trunk or Treat- Will be next Sunday evening at 6 PM. Come and share with our young people.

Dollar Club- We selected McKenzie Downs to receive our gift from last month. We are in need of nominations before next month.

The Crosswalk Bookstore in Paris is Closing- Check the bulletin board for the dates and times of their inventory close out sale.

Blanket Drive- this annual event is sponsored every October. A box is located in the foyer for your donations. There is more information about this mission on the back of the Second Service bulletin.

Operation Christmas Child- We will be collecting items through November 15th. Our packing date will be November 17th. Suggestions for October are any of the items that we had suggested over the last several months. Please visit with Becky Bayes if you have any questions.

2024 Sign-Up Sheets – There are sign-up sheets in the foyer for Junior Church Volunteers, Nursery workers for first service, Scripture readers, and volunteers for the Clothing Closet in this month.

Bible Study –will meet this Thursday, the 24th at Paris Family Restaurant at 6 PM for dinner (dutch treat), fellowship and prayer time. Anyone is welcome to join us. A new prayer series will begin on the 31st.

CIY Registration has begun – June 30th -July 5th at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee for High School Students. Registration fee is $70 dollars. Sign up soon!

Ridge Runners- Need a little help with a project around your home? Call the Church and ask if a Ridge Runner can help you. Brochures are in the foyer on the bulletin table.

Youth News!

BASK – Meets on Wednesdays after school. If you want your child to ride the Church Van you need to send a note to their school granting permission. We are going to Southfork Homestead this Wed.  Pick up time is 5:30 at the church.

Jr. High Youth Group – Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.

Sr. High Youth Group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 PM.
Sr. High CIY Registration has begun – Get it on your calendars.

Jr. Church …is looking for volunteer teachers for the 10:40 service. Students dismiss before the sermon. Curriculum will be provided to you two weeks ahead of time.  See Don with any questions.

Gratitude and Appreciation

Roger and Natalie Murray wish to express their gratitude for the prayers, cards and financial support in their time of need. Thank you!

Blanketed By Love
The Compassionate Clothing Closet’s annual blanket drive is set for October. Your generosity of a new or gently used blanket will serve to provide a means to offset winter’s chill, while simultaneously offering a concrete reminder that someone cares.  While any size blanket will be wonderful to receive, we find that twin or full sizes are in most need.
An Invitation to Participate
WHO:     To all members of Edgar County & congregations of faith.
WHAT:   Donations of gently used or new blankets.
WHERE: Donations can be made via participating churches or through a direct donation to CCC during weekly hours of operation (Mon: 10-1pm and/or Tues: 12-2pm).
WHEN:    Blanket collection will occur during the month of October 2024.  (Distribution will begin when cold weather hits.)
WHY:      We are called to lovingly meet our neighbors’ needs.
Worship Emphasis
The First Missionary  (Matthew 4:19)

Jesus Himself was the first missionary. He did not sit by passively and let those who happened to be interested in His teaching come to Him. He went out to where the sick, sorrowing and the sad were, and shared His message of joy, healing and salvation. Even at a tender age, He went to the Temple and taught those entrenched in the old traditions. He went to the seaside and intruded upon the life of the fishermen saying “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Wherever He went He challenged, uprooted and changed men. And at length they nailed Him to a cross because He upset their selfish, secure and smug way of life. Not only was Jesus a missionary, but He pledged His followers to be missionaries, too!


Sermons are available online- If you are unable to be here on a given Sunday you can hear the sermon on our website. Just go to http://www.bellridge.org, click on the Media tab, click on sermons, and choose a sermon preference. The YouTube and Facebook options allow for both audio and video, and the SoundCloud option is just audio. By clicking on the scripture reference, you will be able to read the associated sermon notes and start the recording. The sermons will be in date order with the most current one at the top of the list. If you have any questions, please call the church. We are happy to help.

Bulletin Announcements- By accessing Media on our webpage you will see a new page titled “Bulletins.” Our announcements will be posted in that location every week.

Online Giving- Is available on our website by clicking on “Giving.” There is a “Give to Bell Ridge” button that you can click on, and then follow the directions.