The bulletin announcements for January 26th are listed below:
We will be preparing “The Link” for mailing on Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM.
The Elders will be meeting on Tuesday evening at 7 PM.
Movie Night- February 2nd at 5:00 PM at the church.
High School and Jr. High School Young Ladies- are invited to join other teen girls in Clark and Edgar County for There4 Gathering 2025: Living Loved! on Feb. 14 and 15 at the Marshall Baptist Church on Route 1. Sadie Robertson Huff and other speakers will be streamed in. It will be a time of encouragement and fun! See Angie Perry with questions.
Dollar Club- We are out of nominations to consider next month. We need your help!
Our Faith Promise Campaign (Mission Emphasis) for the coming year will start in February. Be in prayer asking God to lead you to make a commitment for the coming year.
2024 Sign-Up Sheets – There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for Nursery workers for first service, volunteers to decorate the church in 2025, Junior Church teachers for 2025, and if you would like to help run the audio-video equipment at worship.
Bible Study –we continue to study “Your Devine Design” by Chip Ingram. Our study is using the book “What Every Christian Ought to Know” by Adrian Rogers. Books are available for $9.00. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome to join us!
Spaghetti Sauce Drive- Ladies Aid is inviting everyone to bring jars of spaghetti sauce to the church in the month of February for the Helping Hands Soup Kitchen in Paris.
Ridge Runners- Need a little help with a project around your home? Call the Church and ask if a Ridge Runner can help you. Brochures are in the foyer on the bulletin table.
Congratulations! Jerry and Linda Cearlock are the proud great-grandparents to Calvin Anthony Thurston. He was born January 22nd weighing 9 lbs. 1 oz. and was 22 inches long. The Cearlock’s granddaughter Taylor is the mother.
Movie Night
The Genesis Sunday School class and the Thursday Night Bible Study group have invited everyone to a Movie Night on February 2nd. There will be a time of fellowship with popcorn, snacks and drinks at 5:00 PM. Then we will go to the auditorium at 5:30 PM to watch a movie, The Forge.
Movie Overview – “A year out of high school with no plans for his future, a boy is challenged by his single mom and a successful businessman to start charting a better course for his life. Through the prayers of his mother and biblical discipleship from his new mentor, he begins discovering God’s purpose for his life is so much more than he could hope for or imagine.”
Youth News!
BASK – On Wednesdays after school. Pick up time is 5:30 PM at the church.
Jr. High Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.
Sr. High Youth Group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 PM.
Sr. High CIY Registration has begun – Get it on your calendars.
Jr. Church …is looking for volunteer teachers for the 10:40 service. Students dismiss before the sermon. Curriculum will be provided to you two weeks ahead of time. See Don with any questions.
Gratitude and Appreciation
Thank You to all that helped with the IDES GAP meal packing event at Lake Ridge this weekend.
Worship Emphasis
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
There is a peace in knowing the comfort that God provides. People can profess to care but as life goes on their caring fades. God says He will never leave you or forsake you. His comfort is different from the comfort any person can provide.
~ Julie Farris
Sermons are available online- If you are unable to be here on a given Sunday you can hear the sermon on our website. Just go to, click on the Media tab, click on sermons, and choose a sermon preference. The YouTube and Facebook options allow for both audio and video, and the SoundCloud option is just audio. By clicking on the scripture reference, you will be able to read the associated sermon notes and start the recording. The sermons will be in date order with the most current one at the top of the list. If you have any questions, please call the church. We are happy to help.
Bulletin Announcements- By accessing Media on our webpage you will see a new page titled “Bulletins.” Our announcements will be posted in that location every week.
Online Giving- Is available on our website by clicking on “Giving.” There is a “Give to Bell Ridge” button that you can click on, and then follow the directions.